En Diego Alonzo tomamos todas las medidas y precauciones razonables para proteger su información personal y seguimos las mejores prácticas de la industria para asegurarnos de que su información no se use de manera inapropiada, alterada o destruida. Encriptamos la información de su tarjeta de crédito mediante la tecnología Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) y la almacenamos con el cifrado AES-256. Además, seguimos todos los requisitos de PCI-DSS.


The payment methods used in Diego Alonzo are third party services. These third-party services (Azul), comply with all security and encryption standards to keep your information safe. They will only use the information necessary to complete the required process. We also recommend reading the Privacy Policies of these providers, to better understand how they handle the information provided.

Through our portal, no credit or debit card information is stored for any of the cardholders. This information, at no time will be retained, disclosed or registered on our website: Da.iterativo.do if not using third-party payment processors that will be responsible for the entire process.

The only information that passes from our database to the third platform are the owner's data, email and total amount of the amount to be paid.